About 911 Life Hope House
The 911 Hope House is an innovative full-time care program to rescue single mothers and their children who find themselves in highly vulnerable situations. Our goal is for these women and their children to be emotionally and spiritually healed, empowered, bilingual, up to date with their studies and ready to succeed!
All school-aged children will benefit from a fully accredited Christian curriculum through 911 Hope Academy, a virtual school we are running in coordination with Academia Homeschool. In addition to all of the core subjects, students will enjoy arts, sports, music, English, tutoring, and other recreational activities provided through our Youth Center. They will also receive emotional and psychological assistance from our trained professionals.
How You Can Help
> Help us to raise $100,000 to cover all of the first year's expenses
> Become a monthly partner to help cover the $10,000/month going forward
> Give toward the estimated $250,000 needed to purchase and renovate an additional building to house international teams.
Building a Future, Leaving an Inheritance
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1-2)
We are so grateful for your support - Tom, Jen and the entire 911 Life staff